Everyone knows there are good days and there are bad days. Sometimes we hear people say, “life has its ups and downs.” We probably learn this lesson pretty early in life. Actually, I think little kids experience the reality of life’s ups and downs even before they have language to explain it. But they know it deep in the core of their beings. I am also sure that most of us conclude early on that there is not much we can do about those “downs” in life. Of course, some of those less than desirable periods are of our own making. We do stupid things and pay the price. But there are other “downers” in life that come our way and we are no more than sitting ducks for malady. We get sick and sometimes suffer. I know no person who gets up and says, “boy I hope I get really sick today!” But clearly not a day goes by when someone in the world does not experience the unfortunate sickness. We know that not all illnesses are sickness of ...