Recently I bumped into a poem by Mary Oliver. I like poetry, but I don’t spend as much time as I would like reading poetry. But I found this poem of Oliver’s arresting. It is entitled, “When Death Comes.” The title is self-explanatory. I don’t want to share the whole thing. But I would like to focus in on a particular few lines that grabbed me. At one point in the poem, Oliver says, “When it's over, I want to say all my life I was a bride married to amazement.” Of course, I have never literally been a bride…wrong gender for that. But metaphorically, it is easy to imagine. Oliver’s line is one way to imagine it. I, too, would love to say that when it is over, I want my life to have been married to amazement.” If I am honest, I confess that at one level, I have blown it. I have already lived too much of life without amazement. I have too many days that were anything but amazing. It would be easy, therefore, to throw up my hands in self-disgust and give up. But maybe the trick i...