I continue to use the lectionary every day. As I have said before, the lectionary is a selection of daily readings, usually for devotional purposes. Lectio in Latin simply means “reading.” If you like words, that Latin term gives us our English word, lectern, the stand upon which books are placed so someone can read the book or notes. A podium, one the other hand, is that upon which one stands---places your feet. So we stand on the podium and read from a lectern. Those words are often confused and used wrongly. The daily lectionary I choose to use is the Benedictine one. The Benedictine monks around the world use the same lectionary. They have chosen some passages from the Old Testament and from the New Testament that are read at every one of their various worship times through the day. I try on a daily basis to read the morning selection and the evening one. I could choose my own, but for me it is nice to have s...