I read an extended blog today that was fascinating. It was by Justine Musk whom I occasionally read, but do not know. She is one of those people I would like to meet and befriend, but likely will never happen. So I am content to know her through her writings. I say that about her because it means I know nothing about her politics, religion, etc. And at one level, it does not matter. We read people to get what we can get and that is sufficient. Her blog opens with this intriguing idea. “ There’s a quote by Tom Hiddleston: ‘We all have two lives. The second life starts when we realize that we only have one.’” I can’t help reading something like this and wondering, do I have lives? Part of me thinks not. But another part of me wonders how Tom Hiddleston knows! I have read enough of Thomas Merton and other spiritual writers---contemporary and historical---to know this is not a strange idea. Merton fr...