I like finding things that resonate with my way of thinking or link with something that is important to me. Recently, I happened upon a short article by a retired pediatrician. It was clear the guy, Allan LaReau, was also a man of faith. His article is entitled, “When a sign is a wink from God.” I confess I am intrigued with winks and winking. They are a cool non-verbal way of communicating. I recall a few years ago when one of my granddaughters was still pretty young, I taught her how to wink. It was funny to watch her contort her face to try to make only one eye close. Doing the wink in real time for her meant closing and opening the eye at what must have felt like the speed of light! She succeeded in learning and it is one of our favorite ways of “speaking.”
When I saw the title of LaReau’s article, I thought I might know where he was going, but I was interested in seeing what exactly he would do. The author begins his story by recounting seeing a sign hanging over a fireplace in a bed and breakfast. The sign read, “This is Your Life.” The odd part was the sign had been broken and with a few pieces missing, had been put together and framed. LaReau tried to take a picture of the sign, but the glass covering the picture reflected back into his camera, leaving an imperfect photo.
I had forgotten, but the title of the sign was also the title of a reality series on television from 1950-1987. Having been reminded, I recalled the episodes on tv brought both stars and ordinary people on the show and told their life story. The fun part was the fact they invited people from the past in the life of the individual. There were warm scenes of someone meeting a key high school teacher or people like that. The sign in the bed and breakfast was trying to recapture that way of reminding us of our lives. And this leads to LaReau reflecting on the nature of signs.
Signs are all over the place: stop signs, street signs, signs to tell us where is the restroom and so many more. Then the author moves to a different level. He says, “On a less tangible, but deeper level, there are real personal and spiritual signs to help guide our lives.” I often tell students that the function of a sign is to “signify.” That is the verb. A stop sign signifies we are supposed to bring our car to a full stop at the intersection. If we apply this to the sentence just shared from the author, there are personal and spiritual signs out there. Those signs are meant to signify particular things to particular people. Probably most of us believe we have some evidence this has been true for our own lives.
I like how LaReau develops his idea. He adds that, “At important junctures in our lives, "signs" appear that might nudge us into a relationship, career or vocational path, religious faith tradition or a geographical location as a place to put down our roots.” I would agree that signs appeared along the way that I thought signified what college was best for me. Of course, I can’t prove it. And I grant it is possible to “misread” signs. Or maybe, it is the fact that some signs are too ambiguous or misleading.
LaReau cites a Notre Dame professor and priest, John Dunne, who encourages us to “listen to our heart.” Obviously, Dunne thinks our hearts become the source of signs for our lives. It resonates with what some folks called “gut feelings.” I actually have read some recent studies that suggest there actually is some physiological and neurological reasons to believe this is not just some cute folk tale. Maybe our gut---and our heart---does speak to us in signs!
Dunne tells us, “If we then listen carefully to our heart, we will find our way in an abundant fashion on life's rich sojourn.” I am interested in a rich sojourn. That surely sounds better than a boring walk through life. This counsel is based on a couple of assumptions LaReau makes. One is the fact that there are signs. And two, we need to be attentive to “see” them and be able to act accordingly. This is where it connects with spirituality for me. Paying attention isa key spiritual aspect of the spiritual life. Again, I agree with the way LaReau puts it. “If we are attentive and aware, God's presence frequently manifests itself, primarily through signs from others, often those we know, other times through someone new to us.” Being attentive to a sign allows us to understand why LaReau chooses to interpret the sign as God’s wink
The sign becomes the non-verbal cue God provides to offers us guidance in our rich sojourn through life. In my own life, God often has used other people as signs for God’s presence and message. Much of my relationship with God seems indirect. I don’t get real words put in my ears or see visions. Instead, much of my relationship with God comes through signs and maybe a few signals. I am ok with that.
LaReau offers a theological assumption with which I can agree. LaReau admits, “I doubt that God oversees us like pieces on a vast chess board. Rather, I think he "booted up" our world and allows for wisdom to grow through humanity and signs that appear that guide us toward goodness and growth.” I like the emphasis on paying attention, growth and guidance that comes through signs.
If that is true, then it is up to us to notice what is going on in our lives and see what is in front of us. Maybe God is winking; don’t miss it!
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