Enough happens coincidentally in the universe to lead me to believe in providence. One example of this is a budding friendship I have with a Benedictine monk. It is a fairly recent story, but I cannot quite remember how it got started. Until yesterday, I had never met the monk. We began exchanging emails and, I think, he initiated it. But it really doesn’t matter. He lives in a Benedictine monastery in the Midwest.
Since we live in the world of internet, it is easy to do a little background checking. In addition to this, he sent me a few of the things he has written, one of which was a piece that contained a fair amount of his biography. Since the signature on the email said “Father,” I knew he was a priest. More importantly than all this, perhaps, is the fact he loves music and poetry. I can say I enjoy both of those, but I claim little skill in either arena. No one would invite me to talk about either one. In both I feel like a dilettante. He clearly had some expertise in both.
I have enjoyed reading his poetry. Often he includes some things from the monastery and, often, from the world of spirituality. However, he has what seems like a playful spirit. He can make fun of things. He values nature. His spirit seems irenic---that is, very peaceful. He is not driving a hardline religious message. Like most monks I know, he brings a spirit of hospitality. This is why I enjoy hanging out with monks.
Recently, I decided the Soul Work group I lead would spend a little time with some of his writings and poetry. I knew the group would dive into the ideas and have a good conversation. The day came when that discussion was slated to take place. Early that morning, it hit me. How much fun it would be if the monk would join us online. I have never met him. It would be so much fun to meet him and have him present when we talked about what he wrote. As an author, I know this is a great experience.
I grabbed the computer and sent him an early morning email. I invited him to our meeting---only a few hours later. On one level, this seems a bit fool hearted. It could even be written off as a bit crazy. Of course, go ahead and invite a monk, whom you have never met, to join a group he has no idea what they do. And by the way, can you do it in about four hours? I don’t claim I was divinely inspired. I simply claim suddenly I had an idea. Instead of dismissing it as crazy, I was willing to act. Even if he could not do it, I did not think he would be offended.
Clearly every religious tradition is full of stories of people who had courage and did amazing things. What I did took very little courage and was far short of amazing. But it is more than many folks would be willing to do. Even in the realm of the spiritual, I am often disappointed by how timid people are. Occasionally, I ponder my own Christian tradition. This is the tradition that records the story of the call of those early disciples. At one point, Jesus told them if they wanted to follow him, they would have to deny themselves, take up their cross and follow. Many did. Would I? I hope I would, but in my little world, following does not cost much. I am pretty confident it is different than church membership.
To my surprise and joy, a couple hours later, I received an email informing me that he was delighted to join the group. It was wonderful to have him join and give us the opportunity to meet for the first time. It was fun to share him with the group. He was engaging and knew even more about music and poetry that I even guessed. He shared enough of his own personal journey; I am eager to spend even more time with him. We do have much in common, but there are also clear differences. As much as I like Benedictine monks, there are real differences from being Quaker. I can value and honor those, but we are not “just alike.”
I could offer much more detail, but what I want to do instead is offer a few observations about what I learned. I learned again the importance of action. There were ten (or a hundred) reasons not to invite him. That would have been a missed opportunity. How many opportunities we miss in life! I learned a little more about faith. I did not even think about faith being part of the mix. In retrospect, I should have known faith was at stake. I am a person of faith and so is my new Benedictine man of faith. That enhances the likelihood that it might work.
I also was optimistic. Not only did I hope it might work, I somehow “felt” this had a chance of working. That makes me think there ought to be a connection between faith and optimism. Too many times, people are pessimistic. The worst that could have happened here is the guy can’t make it. That is where I was going to be anyway---doing Soul Work without a monk. But it worked. Soul Work had a monk! I love it.
Was it coincidental that he said “yes.?” I have no idea. I could have asked him, but I don’t care why he did. This is my story. It is my story of an idea, a little courage, a little hope and a willingness to push the boundary a little. That is the kind of thing Jesus might call me to do. For once I did it.
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