Recently I read a short piece by Miriam Williams, whom I am told is a writer from Kentucky living in Philadelphia. I don’t know much else about her, but I found the essay interesting. The title of her piece asked the question, “Does love have its limits?” Quickly thinking about this, my response was mixed. I realized that in theory I wanted to say no: love does not have limits. We can think of Jesus or other spiritual giants and feel secure in this answer. But then, the realistic, practical side of me kicked in. Of course in theory there are no limits to love, but practically speaking my love and that of most people is limited. That is why I believe most of us are in the process of growing in love. We are not there yet, but we can make progress. This is hopeful. In fact, anything less than growing in love may doom us and our culture and communities to bad things. If we don’t grow in love, I don’t know how we will ev...