Sometimes the inspiration for these pieces comes from very traditional and predictable sources. I read a great deal in spiritual literature, so that obviously is a marvelous resource. I try to follow the lectionary of the Benedictine monastic community, so I know that is always a resource for readings from the Psalms and other biblical references. I try to watch as my days unfold for those obvious or, even, subtle revelations of inspiring moments. I find if I stay aware, a lot happens that hints at profundity. Today’s inspiration came from a predictable place. I regularly read a number of periodicals online. In the old days we would have called them magazines! But I don’t receive magazines in the mail any more. A few regularly come on the internet and it is there I find some inspiration. As I was reading last night, my eyes caught an intriguing title. The title reads, “7 ways I find human goodness in pickup b...