One of the fun things about my interest in spirituality is
that I am a soul seeker! I like that
phrase, “soul seeker.” If you are
interested, too, in spirituality, then maybe you should see yourself as a soul
seeker. I don’t know all that being a
soul seeker means. But let’s assume it
is one part curiosity, one part sleuth, and two parts intentionality.
I think intentionality is key to most spiritual, soulful
endeavors. By itself curiosity is
interesting, but usually goes nowhere on its own. Curiosity is a bit like a puppy. It is fun to watch; but it is impetuous. It darts here and there. There is a great deal of fury, but nothing
really is accomplished. Ultimately,
there is no plan, no advancing, no achieving.
These may seem like funny words for the soul seeker, but without a plan,
advance, and achieving, then I do not see how one is growing at all. But we do need one part curiosity.
And then I do believe there is a role in spirituality for
being a sleuth. I admit that I like this
word. The roots of the word go back to
the Middle Ages. It is a variation of
the word, “bloodhound.” By the 19th
century it comes to mean “investigation.”
Of course, many folks think of Sherlock Holmes when we employ the word,
In that context I hope it is clear why the soul seeker needs
to be a sleuth. I like the fact that the
word, sleuth, is both a noun and a verb.
I am a sleuth. That is the
noun. But I probably will never be a
noun---sleuth---unless I “do the verb.”
To do the verb means I start sleuthing!
Sleuthing is precisely the way we go about seeking
soul. As I understand the verb, sleuth,
there is no blueprint. Not one of us is
handed a guaranteed “seeking soul manual,” where we will automatically succeed
in finding soul if the manual is meticulously followed. Part of me wishes that
were true. But a deeper part of me is
really glad I have to be a sleuth.
Here’s the trick. I
am convinced good sleuths have a great deal of intentionality. Intentionality is the alternative to that
“seeking soul manual” which no one gets.
Intentionality is the driving force for seeking soul. Investigating where and when we might find
soul takes time---and intentionality is what pushes us on through the time
needed to seek our soul.
Because I do not think there is a blueprint for seeking
soul, curiosity has its role to play.
Curiosity leads us to go here, check out there, explore this, and try
that---all of which brings experiences, which are the seedbed of finding soul.
I am convinced soul is not found in the abstract. Soul is discovered in the experience---in the
moment with the Spirit. In that soulful
moment we feel grounded, connected, alive, free, committed and so much
more. As we begin to use language like
this, we know we are not so much soul seeking as soul finding. This is great!
But it never lasts---at least the experience of soul finding
never lasts. Seeking soul is a bit like
eating. We can, indeed, find soul---find
those soulful moments, events, and relationships. But because we are creatures of time, they
come and they go. But that’s ok.
As a soul seeker, I mix again: one part curiosity, one part
sleuth, and two parts intentionality.
There is always enough intentionality to push on…to pursue the curiosity
in me and to start sleuthing in ways and places (often surprising) that will
enable me to find soul again.
I welcome this new day…another chance to seek soul!
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