Recently I wrote a piece on self-forgetfulness. This idea came to me from reading one of Thomas Merton’s latest pieces, The Springs of Contemplation. Essentially Merton says that progress on the spiritual journey requires that we become self-forgetful. Unless and until we begin to become self-forgetful, our “self” will be front and center. Another way of putting it is to recognize that our ego will be the driver of our attention and actions. To be guided by our ego is not bad, but ultimately it is not spiritual. To be guided by our ego is to be centered on ourselves. In a word, we will be egocentric. Again that is not bad; it is spiritually shortsighted. Unless and until we are able to put God in the center, we will make little or no spiritual progress. The Lord’s Prayer from the lips of Jesus put it very simply: “Thy will be done…” One cannot be egocentric and pray that prayer, “Thy will be done…” ...