I sometimes wonder what would have been my journey if I had taken the other fork of the road? I am not being flip. I assume that we all have come to numerous forks in the road. We have to choose and when we do choose, heading down one particular way, we know the other road at the fork that we did not choose is lost to us. We will never know what life would have been like if we had chosen that other road. I don’t lament lost choices. I don’t regret any of my choices---although they certainly have not all been good choices! But I do wonder. One of the good choices I made was to continue being a reader. Clearly there were choices in my life, where if I had made them, would effectively have meant that I would have quit reading. Oh, that does not mean I never would have read anything. There probably are many jobs that people do that entail no reading. But most people working those jobs are literate. They...