Somewhere I once read a sentence containing the phrase, hunger for hope. Immediately that phrase spoke to me and still does. I have no clue who wrote it or where I read it. I have been giving some thought to the way human beings hope. I recognize hope can be a noun---we usually say we “have” hope---and it can be a verb. Obviously, they are related, but if I had to choose, I am really more interested in verbs. I am fascinated by how humans hope. It does not take long in research to recognize how complex and convoluted talking about hope has been through the centuries. I suspect it seems simple to those of us who hope and have hopes. But I doubt very many people can tell you how they create hope and what to decide to hope for. Indeed, some folks don’t have any more hope. We know this as despair. And clearly, folks who feel depressed don’t feel too much hope in the moment. Hope can be very personal....