The routine and predictable do not surprise us. The serendipitous always is a surprise. I like the word, serendipity, because it normally is a good surprise. If we were to hear a doctor tell us we have cancer, that would not be serendipity---but it is surprising bad news. I recently had a serendipitous moment. A good friend of mine said she had a book for me. While I did not expect something like this from her, it still was not that unusual. Soon I was handed a book. I looked at it and recognized it immediately when I saw the title, The Winners Manual . I had heard about it, but I am not sure I had actually seen it. The book is by Jim Tressel. For the people around my university, this is a well-known and even famous name. All the coaches here have the book. And I now have it. I now have an autographed copy, which even has a personal note to me. Some would consider me incredibly lucky. ...