I had occasion yesterday to spend some more significant time in nature than I usually do. That in itself is not so strange. Of course, we all live in some form of nature. Nature surrounds us; it holds us in its very being. However, I realize how easy it is to be pretty unaware of nature. I think this may especially be true for urban or, even, suburban dwellers. I now fit into that category. It may be different for folks who spend most of their time “in nature.” Growing up on a farm fits that bill. I would think those folks who have to work outside also are more alert to nature than so many of us who work inside buildings or who are too old or sick to venture outside. And surely, many of us in the US live in sheltered surroundings. We move from house to air-conditioned cars to air-conditioned buildings. Or in the winter, it is from heated houses to heated cars to heated buildings. Nature can’t get u...