I have paid more attention to the issue of climate change. Regardless of the critics of climate change, I believe the majority of scientists who tell us that humans are endangering the earth. There is enough evidence through storms, fires, droughts and so forth to convince me. Of course, all of these natural maladies can be dismissed, I do believe cumulatively they can make a case for the danger we face. Combined this is some prevalent pessimism that humans are motivated enough to do anything and we do have a recipe for disaster. I certainly believe in the capacity of humans for sin. I am a living example of that capacity. However, I also believe that humans can become motivated to act and to become lovers of our universe rather than simply plunderers. Humans have a track record of working together when facing serious events. We can think of the American response to 9-11 as an example. It is with this perspective that I read a fascinating...