Recently I was at a gathering for a friend and colleague who passed away. It was not a funeral or memorial service, although the conversation sometimes reminded me of a Quaker memorial service. Inevitably the thoughts of all who gathered were on the guy who had lived eighty plus years, but now was part of that world which has moved on. He had been retired for quite a few years, but clearly he had made a mark in many different ways on many different people. Maybe that is one sign of a good life. But the experience provoked me to think about life and the memories left after our earthly life is history. I realized that memories are the residue of our lives. They are the “what’s left over…” Of course, sometimes we leave wills and the courts disperses whatever material goods we leave to various folks in our families and friends. All of our stuff is given away---to a surviving spouse, kids, etc. Our stuff is not residual. But memories are ...